As an alternative to our standard analysis service, EKLIPS is a unique service that allows you to quickly analyze designs by entering data, running the analyses, and obtaining results, all from any web browser. It is not software that you buy or a generic input/output system that leaves you with pages of ambiguous data for you to interpret. Instead, we set up the model, data input fields, and report template specifically for your project, which you can use online anytime you want.
Qualifying EKLIPS as an option to our standard analysis service: EKLIPS provides the same high quality, tailored results as our regular service (see our methodology). EKLIPS requires design variabilities that are predictable (but not necessarily repeatable) and generally is beneficial when a single model can be used for multiple analyses, such as:
- Multiple sizes of the same design to analyze
- Analyzing varying conditions for the same design
- Trying various means of optimization
EKLIPS Step-by-Step
- An Eclipse engineer works with you to gain a general description of the project to determine whether EKLIPS is the most suitable analysis approach from technical and commercial standpoints.
- If the EKLIPS service is viable, then we obtain more detailed information regarding the design envelope and how each parameter affects the performance and cost of the product.
We present a formal proposal outlining:
- Flexibility of the analysis method to consider all the relevant design variations
- Web-interface user inputs required and available
- Solution report format and content
- EKLIPS terms and conditions of use
- Upon acceptance, we set up and test your EKLIPS application.
- You logon to our EKLIPS web site, enter the data using the input screen prepared for you, and submit it. The data can be cut and pasted from applications such as Excel and Access. A batching option allows you to submit many analyses at one time.
- Your data are fed through a custom interface to our analysis engine (using ANSYS) for computation. The results are then transferred to the report template. This step typically takes no more than 15 minutes.
- When your report is ready, you can download it in PDF or Excel format. The report provides a clear Go/No-Go or optimization measures result, depending on the setup, along with input and supporting data, suitable for approval purposes. Reports can also include practical solutions to consider should the design not meet specifications. All of your reports and analysis setups are available to you anytime from your secure folder on our server.

Example of an EKLIPS input page